
The word ‘Barearav’ is a word from Romany descent. Barearav means ‘Respect.’ The basis of our brand is built around exploring what it truly means to respect ourselves, respect each other and respect this planet that we are all blessed enough to call our home.

Our brand is built on the foundation of a deeper meaning of respect; we promote respect of the human race and the planet that we live on. Our goal is to break down the barriers of what people see as ‘normal’ and to push to overcome any kind of discrimination. We strongly believe in the fact the only ‘normal’ thing is that we are all completely different.

We are also passionate about encouraging the importance of respecting ourselves and others mentally and physically. The only person who has the power to make your experience here, on this planet the best it can possibly be, is you; however we want to share our knowledge and offer our support, to help transform people’s lives for the better.

Only when people take the time to understand how to care for their own mind and bodies will we be able to make the transition to knowing how to care for others. It is important that people start to recognise what real self- love and care is, that people spend time to connect with themselves, their inner child and face their traumas.

Barearav spreads the message to accept everyone for who and what they are and encourage people to first start this process by completely accepting their most authentic self. We want to open people’s minds to looking beyond an outside appearance or facade and actually question why people behave in a certain way. We want to lead people away from judging others and help them learn how to see more than our differences in appearance, behaviour or beliefs.

As the brand develops we are looking to shed light on a range of different areas that we feel need attention with the bigger goal being to minimise all types of pain and suffering. We are aware however that we must do this one step at a time. We are going to start with our main focus, right now, being to change people’s perception and understanding of Mental Health.

We are currently in a society where a lot of people are suffering and losing their lives to different types of mental health illnesses. Each one of us holds a key to help unlock change. We want to encourage people to start speaking about it more, learning about it more and respecting it more.

For us this is where we wish to start our journey with you all; our mental state as individuals and as a collective is the foundation for everything. We must stop abusing our mental health and each other’s and believing that this is in fact a ‘normal’ way to live. All that we are aiming to do is help; we want to help people and the planet heal. We are more than happy to stand up, speak up and go out of our way to spark positive change.